Fish is one of the foodstuffs that freezes best, and fish fingers are
the most popular dish. Birds Eye's factory in the north-eastern
English port of Grimsby has for decades been the biggest fish finger
production line in the world
Captain Birdseye
is almost as
familiar to British
children as Father
Christmas. The
salty alter ego of
Clarence Birdseye
was invented as a
marketing ploy in
1967. He
commands a
sailing ship with
a large crew of
small children
who live on an
exclusive diet of
fish fingers
Today there are
few foods that
cannot be frozen,
and in some cases
the frozen
version is
preferred. French
fries, for example,
that stringy cook-
staple food of
much of the
western world,
have almost
ousted the old-
style wedges of
potato known in
Britain as "chips"
The Beatles grew up fast. By 1965 they had exhaused the repertoire of songs written in their Liverpool days. The new songs (for example, Norwegian Wood, the story of a desultory love affair in three verses, and social commentary such as Eleanor Rigby) were the work of mature artists
John Lennon
provoked outrage
in America with a
remark about the
extent of the
group's fame.
Christians made
bonfires of
Beatles records,
and Lennon made
a half-hearted
apology, clearly
perplexed at the
strength of the
reaction to one
Produced by 'the
fifth Beatle'
George Martin ,
Sergeant Pepper
featured an
eclectic mix of
sitars and
arrangements, as
well as the usual
rock instruments.
It was a fine
piece of work by
any artistic
standards, and it
has sold over 20
million copies
The death in 1967 of manager Brian Epstein was a heavy blow, both professionally and emotionally. The group set up Apple, their own record label, to fill the gap left by Epstein, but could not replace his steadying presence. Spiritual solace was offered by the Indian mystic Maharishi Mahesh Yogi